What Lies Inside

It takes something special to get purchasing patrons sold on what lies inside a storefront’s walls and the age-old window display is probably as familiar as stores themselves. The french department store, Galleries Lafayette stands as one of the most prestigious retail spaces worldwide and photographer, Lakin Ogunbanwo got the lucky honor of creating vibrant window visuals for their “Africa Now” exhibition, inspired by hyperreal depictions of modern day Lagos. “Drawing from the colors and vibrancy of my city, Lagos serves as a metaphor for the continent,” Ogunbanwo explains, “where many people, cultures, and realities mix and interweave all to make one beautiful whole.” That offbeat metropolitan mix uncannily meshes with its Parisian host and worlds miles apart find common ground. With the first roll-out embracing the resourceful spirit of the Nigeria populace, the imaginative pop-up installation will continue through June 10th to host a number of artists and special events celebrating the creative energy of the continent.

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